Siberian Huskies come in a variety of coat colors. First
time owners can sometimes have trouble making sense of the color terms. I
have used photos of my dogs and the coat color descriptions from the SHCA website to
give a visual on the different colors.
"All colors from black to
pure white are allowed. A variety of markings on the head
is common, including many striking patterns not found in
other breeds."
Guard coat is solid black, the individual guard hair is
monochrome (not banded) black from root to tip. Single
white guard hairs appear occasionally. The undercoat is
black or more frequently dark grey. The jet black coat is
frequently accompanied by great depth of black pigment on
pads and roof of mouth.
 Minnie is a jet black, her
white areas are actually cream colored. Her undercoat is
black from root to tip. She has very dark black pigment.
If she sunbathes (which she loves to do) her coat burns
and turns an ugly brown color. Minnie is now in
retirement with Lone Wolf Siberians.
 Kadar is jet black and
white. His under coat is black from root to tip. He has
nice dark pigment, but he is missing black around his
left eye. You sometimes see lack of pigment on dogs who
have color around one eye and not the other. Kadar is
also considered a "splash coat" because of his
markings. Like Minnie his coat will burn and he needs to
be kept out of the sun. Kadar now lives in Germany.
Guard hairs are banded with some amount of white near
roots. Single white guard hairs appear more frequently.
Undercoat may be lighter than is seen in the jet black
coat while some buff-colored hairs may be found in the
lower stifle and in the vicinity of the ears. The dog
gives the impression of having a black and white coat but
without the depth of pigmentation found in the jet black
and white coat.
 Pando is black and white.
Both of her parents are black and white.
Dilute Black
Guard hairs are banded with the whitish cast extending
substantially from the root and tipped with black.
Undercoat has a whitish cast. Dog appears to be black on
head and along spine while shorter guard coat along
flanks produces a silver effect.
 Ben is dilute black and
white. Ben has cute freckles on his face. His sire is red
and white and his dam is gray and white.
all Black
 Mannie is an almost all
black Siberian Husky. He has white toes and white on his
Guard hair is banded with various tones of white and
minimal black tipping. The undercoat is of a whitish
cast. The effect produced is a silver shade of gray on
head, back, and flanks, with only minimal darkening along
 Loutus is silver and white. Loutus now lives at
a racing kennel in Canada.
The guard hair is banded with cream and/or buff tones
near the root with black tipping. The light undercoat is
toned to give the dog a yellowish-gray cast.
 Nikita is my brother Paul's
dog, and she is gray and white.
The guard hair is banded with buff tones near the root
with black tipping. The cream tones of the undercoat
combine to give the dog a brownish-gray cast.
 Gynger is wolf gray and
associated with liver points (nose, lips, and eye rims)
and complete absence of black hairs. Light, medium, and
dark may be specified, determined by the amount of solid
color banding on guard.
 Ember is light red and
 Hailee is medium red and
 Valeska is dark red and
guard hair appears to be either monochrome (not banded)
or banded with pale cream tinges at the root of an
otherwise white hair. An occasional black guard hair may
appear. The undercoat is solid white. This coat color
results from either an extreme piebald factor or an
extreme dilution factor and may, as a result, be
accompanied by either black or liver points.
 Kasper is white with black
pigment (points).
 Boo is a white with red
piebald, he has liver pigment. Boo has cute freckles on
his face.
 Liv is a white with black
piebald, she has black ears and black around one eye. Liv
also has lack of pigment around her eye without color
just like Kadar.
 Mark is a white with black
piebald. He is mostly white with freckles on his ears and
some freckles here and there on his body.
 Kimo was a wooly, meaning he
had a long soft coat. He had feathering on his pants
area, on the back of his front legs and behind his ears.
This coat type is a fault within the breed. Woolies are
known for having sweet temperaments.
Eyes: Almond shaped, moderately
spaced and set a trifle obliquely. Eyes may be brown or
blue in color; one of each or parti-colored are
 brown eyes
 amber eyes
(red Siberians with brown eyes have a lighter brown that
is referred to as amber)
 blue eyes
 bi-eyed (one of each color)
 parti-eyed (one eye has two
All Siberian Husky puppies are born with blue eyes.
Siberian Huskies cannot have green eyes. You might see a puppy with eyes
that appear to be green, but it is an eye that is still changing to brown.